Every Sewer Needs

Specialising in Needlework Supplies

Pop-Up Shops & Shows coming soon

Middle Park, QLD

Metro Middle Park Shopping Centre,

Cnr Horizon Drive & Riverhills Road

October, 16th – 22nd, 2023


to everyone who support us

We currently have an IT error,

If any items of interest appear out of stock,

Please contact me directly for guidance or stock availability.

Phone 0427 427 806

Watch for Help with the Basics

Quality Supplies

Quality is vital.
The quality of your materials and accessories can determine how much you enjoy your past time and ultimately the final result of your projects.

Events Calender

We attend various Craft Shows & Pop-Up Shops each year.
These range from Cairns, up in north Queensland, to Adelaide, down in South Australia.
Check out when & where our shops & shows will be.

Easy Payments

PayPal is a globally secure payment option.
PayPal doesn't require you to have an account to pay with your creditcard.

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